EcoTax (EU)


Infos to get the European Eco Taxe


Json Request Format

  "product": {
    "identification": {
      "value": "Smartphone",
      "type": "TEXT"
    "to_country": "FR",
    "weight": 1,
    "weight_unit": "kg"
  "code": "neutral",
  "pro": false

Request fields & values

"products" / "identification" / "type"

You need to fill this field with TEXT, HSCODE, SKU or CATEGORY. Examples : HSCODE Type : string Required : yes

"products" / "identification" / "value"

You need to fill this field with a product's HSCode of "to_country" (10 digits) or product's title / description, SKU. Examples : Smartphone Type : string Required : yes


You need to fill the "to_country" field with the Iso Alpha 2 or 3 from where the product arrives. Download the list of countries. Examples : "BEL" Type : string Required : yes if if the product identification type is HSCODE

"products" / "weight"

You need to fill the "weight" field of the product with a number. Examples : 12 or 3.5 Type : number Required : yes if the product identification type is SKU or TEXT.

"products" / "weight_unit"

You need fill the "weight_unit" field with one of this two labels : - "kg" : if you use the international metric system - "lbs" : if you use the imperial system Type : string Required : yes


You need fill the "code" field with neutral, modul_1, modul_2 or modul_3 Examples : neutral Type : string Required : yes (neutral is the default choice & modul_2 & modul3 are only for BtoB)


You need fill the "pro" field with true or false Type : boolean Required : yes

Json Response Format (if "pro" field = true)

    "product": {
        "identification": {
            "value": "8415810010",
            "type": "HSCODE"
        "to_country": "FR",
        "weight": 1,
        "weight_unit": "kg"
    "pro": false,
    "code": "neutral",
    "ecotax_price_currency": "EUR",
    "ecotax_price": 4.17

Json Response Format (if "pro" field = false)

    "product": {
        "identification": {
            "value": "8415810010",
            "type": "HSCODE"
        "to_country": "FR",
        "weight": 1,
        "weight_unit": "kg"
    "pro": true,
    "code": "neutral",
    "ecotax_price_currency": "EUR",
    "ecotax_price": 0.02

Result fields & values

For BtoC


Examples : EUR Type : string


It's a flat price

Examples : EUR Type : string

For BtoB


Examples : EUR Type : string


It's a amount by "weight_unit"

Examples : EUR Type : string

Last updated